The Biggest Reasons Why Employees Leave Jobs

Employee turnover is a significant challenge for many organizations. Understanding the primary reasons why employees leave their jobs can help companies create strategies to improve retention and foster a more positive work environment. Here are some of the biggest factors contributing to employee turnover: 1. Lack of Career Growth and Development One of the top […]

Significantly Reduce Employee Retention by Creating Work-Life Balance Culture in the Workplace

As a company, fostering a culture that supports work-life balance not only improves employees morale but also enhances productivity and retention. Here are some strategies to create a work-life balance culture in the workplace by Big Fish Hunter 1. Flexible Work Arrangements Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, empowers […]

Big Fish Hunter – Your Gateway to Mandarin-Speaking Workforce for Chinese Companies Expanding into Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand

In the fast-paced world of international business expansion, companies are constantly seeking avenues to broaden their horizons and tap into new markets. For Chinese companies eyeing expansion into the vibrant markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, having a reliable partner in sourcing Mandarin-speaking talent becomes paramount. This is where Big Fish Hunter steps in as […]

Why Your Company Needs an Employer of Records (EOR)

Your company is improving operations and expanding to other markets. Of course, your company will encounter tremendous unpredicted problems. One solution to overcome this problem and gain traction among businesses worldwide is the use of Employer of Records (EOR) services. But why exactly are EORs becoming essential for companies? Let’s delve into it. – Global […]

Headhunting: Definisi dan Tips Memilih Headhunter Terpercaya

apa itu headhunting

Masih banyak yang menganggap headhunting dengan recruitment adalah hal yang sama. Padahal keduanya memiliki peran berbeda, walaupun sama-sama membantu perusahaan menemukan kandidat terbaik.  Melalui artikel ini, Anda akan memahami lebih dalam mengenai headhunting hingga tips memilih headhunter sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan. Yuk, simak hingga tuntas.  Apa itu headhunting? Headhunting merujuk pada proses perekrutan untuk menemukan kandidat […]

Mengenal Apa itu Headhunter, Kelebihan, dan Kekurangannya

Apa itu Headhunter

Merekrut kandidat eksekutif jauh lebih menantang dibandingkan merekrut kandidat entry level. Hal ini dikarenakan executive memiliki tanggung jawab yang sangat besar dalam pengambilan keputusan dan menentukan arah perusahaan kedepannya. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting bagi perusahaan untuk merekrut executive yang memiliki kesesuaian visi dan misi dengan perusahaan. Selain itu, tentunya akan ada persaingan yang ketat […]