
Getting a high-level employee or leader for your company is never easy. You have to make sure they are experienced and capable of leading your company. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We will do it for you. You can now focus on essential affairs for your business.


Mass hiring is highly complex. You need to make sure that all the candidates are capable of their tasks, and that they have the original documents for the application, and you also need to keep up the fulfillment rate with the deadline, lastly don’t forget about the overwhelming mass payroll. Don’t be afraid! We’ve got you covered.

Employer of Records

Hiring abroad and remote employees is highly beneficial. It can be how you initiate your business in a country you are not in. However, it takes time, and energy, and will split your focus, and also you most likely do not fully understand the legal and payroll system for that country! No need to worry! We’ve got you covered!

Immigration Support

Most employees don’t know how to apply for visas and don’t have time to register themselves for immigration. Your company as the employer also may not understand how and what the problems with immigration affairs are. We’ve got you covered! We will manage the immigration documents and visas for your employees

Our users are Happy & Healthy

“I get all my prescriptions through this app. now I never have to waste my time going to a doctors office and sitting around the waiting room!”

Theo James

“I love my dermatologist that I found on this app! She is very professional and it’s so easy to just chat or video call her whenever I need something!”

Emilia Munro

“I downloaded this app when i was super sick and had a doctor write me a prescription within 15 minutes!! What a life-changing app!”

Branden Griffiths

Layanan Kami
Layanan kami sebagai penyedia jasa manajemen HR
Headhunting/Executive Search

Kami mencarikan talent terbaik untuk perusahaan Anda. Mencari talent terbaik jadi mudah karena kami punya database talent dari network professional kami, kami juga akan menyaring, meng-interview dan mengurus onboarding, sehingga Anda bisa langsung fokus saja pada perkembangan bisnis.


Rekrutmen massal pastinya menghabiskan waktu, energi, dan pikiran tim HR. Mencari tenaga kerja besar-besaran memang mustahil jika tim HR masih terbatas dan tidak ada database pencari kerja. Untuk apa repot-repot rekrut massal sendiri dan tidak mencapai target jika ada penyedia layanan outsourcing untuk rekrut massal?

Employer of Records (EOR)

Melebarkan sayap bisnis ke luar negeri sangatlah rumit. Anda akan menghadapi rumitnya aturan hukum, aturan ketenagakerjaan. perbedaan budaya kerja, hingga masalah tidak terduga lainnya. Membuka bisnis di luar negeri memang tidak mudah. Inilah waktunya menyerahkan masalah ini pada layanan Employer of Record (EOR). Kami menawarkan layanan HR, manajemen karyawan, dan legal untuk bisnis. Sehingga Anda bisa berfokus saja pada inti bisnis.

Layanan Imigrasi

Mencari karyawan dari luar negeri terkadang memang solusi terbaik. Akan tetapi, proses imigrasi sering berbelit-belit. Karyawan harus bolak-balik ke kantor imigrasi untuk urus paspor dan ke kedutaan besar untuk urus visa. Tidak jarang ada permintaan tertolak karena kurang dokumen sepele yang tentunya akan mengganggu urusan Anda. Untuk menghindari itu, kenapa tidak mulai saja pakai layanan imigrasi kami?​

Payroll Outsourcing

Perhitungan gaji dengan pajak, tunjangan, dan bonus memang rumit dan sering terkendala error. Daripada dipuusingkan dengan masalah payroll, mengapa tidak alihkan saja waktu, fokus, dan energi untuk inti bisnis Anda?

Ilustrasi proses payroll yang efisien dengan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah umum.

Our Precious Clients

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Please tell us what does your company need. Our team will reach you soon.